Esus - Portfolio

A diverse range of projects -

GPT Detection App

AI Written content is already common. It's only going to become more common. There's nothing wrong with it - but, we deserve
to know who's human.
Question: What if your browser could automatically detect AI-Written content?
Answer: It can. I hired an engineer and developed a MVP from my PRD for this tool. Within 3 weeks, we iterated to a working product.
Currently seeking funding to pay for hosting + launch.

AI Travel Reviews

An experiment with SEO and AI- assisted content.
Using SEO, GSC, GA4, and keyword analysis in late 2022, I 'wrote' several purely AI-generated articles about a competitive travel niche, it was ranked on Google within a week as a proof of concept.

Mental Model Knowledge Graph (Directory)

Continuing to apply Community Knowledge Management (CKM) -
This project is a work in progress to link 200+ Mental Models while using Vercel/Next.js for ultrafast loading.
Working to combine complex topics (mental models) with easy analogies (graph) and an Open Source community.
Why? I believe great ideas come from information silos bumping into each other.

Apple Watch App - Vibrotactile compass

What if there was a way to 'feel' when you're facing North?
After learning how directional memory may play a role in long-term brain health, I wanted to see if humans would be able to 'learn' how to feel North. (And thus more attuned to their environment.)
A MVP was successfully built and tested in December 2022.
I recently hired a developer to work on another version that will integrate ML to 'estimate' weak GPS signals & automate human training.

Notion Comparisons

Solving my own problems - there was no tool to compare Notion Website creation tools. Existing comparisons were incomplete or non-existent, so I created comparative database to solve it.
Work In Progress

City Benefits

We wouldn't join a company with no roadmap or employee benefits, why should that change with a city?
This is a marketplace where individual cities can clearly list their benefits and recruit, akin to a company having a benefits page.
Work in Progress

Let's work together.

I'm passionate about Healthtech, Wearables, equal access to resources, and international teamwork. Please reach out below if you'd like to work together.